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Bulk imgur downloader made in bash (working in 2015)

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This is set of bash scripts which automated downloading images from imgur.

solved maze


Because I hate downloading some tools to find they are not compatible anymore with given service I will post here from time to time that this tool still works.

2015/10/06 - tested and working





Basic script which will download all images on given URL to given directory. (will skip duplicates).

Will download bull number of galeries from supplied text file (the file can be messy and it will still detect the imgur URLs).

Will take any content from clipboard and even Xbuffer and will search for any imgur URLs to download. (will ignore duplicates). The Xbuffer is anything that you select in X11 enviroment. This means that when you going to copy something into clipboard you are selecting it first. The moment it's selected it's stored in the Xbuffer. This way you save lot of time. Just clicking on URL bar will often select the whole URL.

Now just open console or make desktop shortcut for this command and it will download all images into temporary directory and display them using comix image viewers (the viewer can be changed).

Similar as but it's automatic and you don't have to type the URLs.

Note: Selections or clipboard (or both) can contain multiple URLs.

Will download give gallery into temporary folder and display it using comix. This is good when somebody wants to just watch the images outside web-browser.

It's benificial for:

Not really needed, it will just:

This can be done by hand, just copy the *.sh files somewhere where they will be in the PATH enviroment variable. And make sure the jshon (needed for all scripts) and xsel (needed just for 1 script) are installed.


This folder contains example list and example syntex how to download multiple galeries in one go.